
On having boys...

These two are always on the go, never stopping as if there is no time to waste and it has to be spent playing, playing and more playing. They are very physical which someone warned me about when I announced thatI was having a second boy but it was not until just a few weeks ago that they started to interact more and be physically more playful with each other. I do hover over them when they do this kind of play but only because it's new and it seems to be taking some time for me to adjust to it. I am sure I'll manage but boy is it crazy loud sometimes. They huff and puff and scream and laugh! I can't imagine having it any other way.


  1. Ahh deleted my comment I guess, sorry if you get two! Love this! My husband and his brother had a very physical childhood (lots of wrestling moves) and they are such great brothers and friends I am sure because of it in a little part. I think its an important way to learn eachothers limits and your own! Love brothers!

  2. This is all new to me dear Tessa but I'm embracing it and rolling with it. I have two sisters and my husband has two brothers, our childhood experiences were very different :)

  3. haha so cute -- boys will be boys! Xo


  4. Yes Emi, giving their mama a few heart attacks along the way!

  5. Oh my do I know the feeling! Three little rambunctious boys = constant noise and chaos! Glad you are embracing it, that is all you can do to stay sane!

    1. Hearing this from a mama of three boys gives me security. Thank You!
